London is in bloom. One of the best things about summer in this city is that the parks and gardens come alive with color. I’ve spent a lot of time outdoors over the last few weeks soaking up the start of the season and exploring the city’s green spaces. To share them with you, today I bring you A Lady in London’s guide to the 7 best summer gardens in London.

Best Summer Gardens in London

Best Summer Gardens in London

From foxgloves to roses, London’s gardens are looking lush. Whether you’re a fan of carefully trimmed hedges or scattered wild flowers there’s a garden to suit your personality.

New blooms are popping up all the time, too, so make sure to stop by throughout the season to get the most out of what they have to offer.

Hyde Park Gardens, London

Hyde Park

One of the most popular parks in London is Hyde Park. Big and beautiful, this rectangle of lusciousness is home to some of the city’s most attractive flower beds.

Hyde Park Gardens, London

My favorite garden in Hyde Park is the one right by Hyde Park Corner. The carefully manicured flower beds are brimming with delicate pinks and whites, and the pergolas are heavy with summer vines.

The benches dotted throughout the garden are the perfect places to escape the busy center of city life, too.

Hyde Park Gardens, London

Kensington Palace Gardens

Right next to Hyde Park, Kensington Palace Gardens are another example of meticulous horticultural attention to detail.

Wide green arches border a sunken garden, occasionally opening to give visitors a glimpse of the geometric flower beds within.

Next door, tall hedges leading to the Orangery lend the space an Alice-in-Wonderland whimsicality.

Kensington Palace Gardens

Holland Park

Just west of Kensington Palace Gardens, Holland Park is worthy of being on any list of the best summer gardens in London. After its famous spring tulips fade, roses and irises take over.

Holland Park Gardens

The rose garden in Holland Park is bursting with the pinks and yellows of the season right now, and is just the place to stop and take in their redolent sweetness.

Holland Park Rose Garden

Victoria Park

Over in east London, Victoria Park is lovely in summer. Flowers bloom along the lakes, and there are bright colors everywhere in the Rose Garden and Floral Sunken Garden.

Victoria Park, London

Regent’s Park

Up north, Regent’s Park has no shortage of summer grace. My favorite place to go when I’m there is Queen Mary’s Rose Garden, home to London’s largest collection of roses.

Regent's Park Rose Garden

12,000 of the buds lie in concentric circles bordered by rose-draped pergolas in a wonderful display of color and scent. It’s worth visiting soon, as the peak season is fleeting.

Queen Mary's Garden, Regent's Park

Battersea Park

South of the river, Battersea Park is another green space worth noting.

Its formal gardens are worth a wander, but I also enjoy walking through the borders of the park to enjoy the wilder side and poking around corners to discover the less obvious floral displays.

Summer garden in Battersea Park, London

St James’s Park

One of the most celebrated parks in London, St James’s Park is overflowing with gardens. From big patches of wild flowers to careful swathes of planted blooms, the park caters to a range of tastes and stylistic preferences.

St James's Park, London

It’s also a good place to get views of the London Eye and Big Ben, or soak up nature after a visit to Buckingham Palace.

St James's Park, London

How about you? What do you think are the best summer gardens in London?

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Best Summer Gardens in London

12 Comments on Lady’s 7 Summer Gardens in London to Discover

  1. I loved your choices. Those are some of my favourite parks too, but it I had a top 10 list I would definitely include Clissold Park (zone 2). I live right in front of it and can garantee that it’s marvellous. It´s not very well-know but it´s quite large and has several amenities (like a butterfly dome, a deer enclosure and a Grade II building called Clissold House, which makes it very popular in North London, especially among Stokey Mummys.

  2. I love the beautiful patch of Hyde Park right by Hyde Park Corner too! I’m also partial to my neighbourhood gardens including Grosvenor Square and Mount Street Gardens 🙂 xx

  3. I think that gardens are one of the best thing to see in London even if many travellers don’t think about it. Every time I go to London (unfortunately not very often) I must spend some hours in a park 🙂

  4. I got back from London this morning and this was my first summertime trip (out of 6? 7? at this point). I was amazed in the best way just how blooming and flowery everything is. Roses galore! Vines! Meadows! It’s like a garden of Eden.

  5. Nice pictures! I have been to London 3 times but I realize I still have a lot to discover… have not been to all of these gardens yet!

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